Monday, 20 August 2012

How To Create Desktop Shortcuts In Ubuntu

  1. You need to install the required packages by opening the terminal window and entering the following commands sudo apt-get install –no-install-recommends gnome-panel
  2. Enter your password when prompted
  3. Enter “Y” when asked after it shows the packages that will be installed and how much disk space will be used.
  4. After the installation is done you can use the following command in the command line to create new shortcuts gnome-desktop-item-edit –create-new ~/Desktop
  5. When the shortcut is being the dialog box will display it and also make sure to select the application form the type drop down list
  6. Enter the name of the shortcut in the name edit box and you can also browse button to select the command.
  7. Make sure the programs executable are installed in /usr/bin
  8. The moment you close the create launcher dialog box you will be returned to the terminal window where type exit and press enter to close the terminal window
  9. The shortcut displays on the desktop just like windows shortcuts
  10. You can also create shortcut by pressing Alt + F2 which will show the edit box and enter the commands it-create-new~/Desktop
  11. You can also add shortcuts to your desktop to unity launcher by dragging and dropping the launcher


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