Saturday, 14 April 2012

How to delete files using Command Prompt

These are the steps through which you can delete files using command prompt
1) Open the command prompt by going to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. Alternately, you can open the run dialog (WinKey + R) and type "cmd" without the quotes.
2)Type "del " without the quotes.
3)Type in the name of the file with the extension, if you are currently in the directory where the file is located, you should be good to go. If you do not know what a file extension is, go play Club Penguin or something.
  • If you are not in the right directory, you can either "cd" to the directory or type the full path.
  • For example, if you wanted to delete "file.txt", you would type "del file.txt". If this file was located on the desktop and you were one directory above, you could type "C:\Users\username\Desktop\file.txt".
4)DEL also supports wildcards characters such as the asterisk(*) and question-mark. For example, if you wanted to delete all files on your desktop with the .wav extension, you would type "del C:\Users\username\Desktop\*.wav". And if you wanted to screw up your system, you could type "DELL C:\\*.-*".

Now your file will be deleted.


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