How to Backup your Iphone

By default your iPhone will automatically sync and create a backup each time your iPhone is connected to

How to Remove Facebook Timeline

So now you have reached here searching for how to remove this timeline feature . I’m not surprised because many of

How to improve Your mobile phone Signal

Wait, I can't hear you" is more than a smarmy catchphrase. It's also the enraged anthem of anyone

How to chat with your friends using command prompt

If you want to chat with your friends, you just have to know one thing, which is your friend's system's

How to Access Blocked Social Websites

The scenario has changed a lot over the past decade.Internet has grown into a vast resource and with

Thursday, 31 May 2012

How to view hidden files in windows 7

You can view hidden files in windows 7 by doing this.
Select the option Show hidden files from folder options and then search for the files using the start search box.
1. Click Start.
2. Type "search" in start search box.
3. click "Change search options for files and folders".
4. Now, Click on View tab .
5. Under View, 
       a)Select the radio button labeled Show hidden files, folders, and drives 
       b)Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Hide extensions for known file types.
       c)Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Hide protected operating system files.
6. Click on Apply and Ok.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

How Increase Virtual RAM to Speed up Your System Faster

Follow the below steps to Increase Virtual RAM and Make Your System Faster:-
Step 1 – Right Click on My Computer and Select Properties .
Step 2 – Now Click on the Advanced Tab.
Step 3 – Now Under Performance Tab click on Settings .
 Step 4 – Click on Advanced Tab on the Button that Pops up .
Step 5 – Now Under Virtual Memory Click on Change >- Custom Size.
Step 6 – For the initial size (depending on your HD space), type in anywhere from 1000-1500 ,and for the Maximum size type in anywhere from 2000-2500.
Step 7 – Now Click on Set and then exit out of all the windows.
Step 8 – Restart your Computer and now you have faster computer and 1-2 GB Virtual RAM.

How to make EXE files using notepad

You should follow these steps to make an EXE file using notepad :-

1  Open Notepad on your computer. Notepad is located in the "Accessories" folder of the computer's "Program Files".
 2  Hold down the "Alt" key and use the number pad to type in every 3-digit combinations from 000 to 999. After each 3-digit combination, release the "Alt" key.
 3  Make notes on what keys produce what symbols. You can make a list of all of the 3-digit combinations or just a list of the ones you need. In Notepad, these combinations are the only way to get certain symbols. 
 4  Type the "exe" file for the program you want to create from the programming language into Notepad. Type the file in C++ programming language. Use the "Alt" and the 3-digit combinations to create symbols that do not appear on the keyboard but that you need in the program. 
 5 Save the file as a text file until you complete the "exe" program. Be aware that it may take a long time to type every line of code in the "exe" program.
 6  Click on "File" and then choose "Save." In the extension drop-down menu, choose "exe." Name the file and click the "Save" button. Locate the file you saved and double-click it to run the "exe" file.

How to create an Apple ID

You Can Create Apple ID on Iphone,Ipad,Ipod Touch and Pc But i strongly recommend you to Create from IPhone.

1. Goto App Store on your Device

2. Select a Free application from the Store

3. Tap Free and then Install

4. Select Create New Apple ID from the dialogue box

5. Select Country as United States (its Important) tape Done

6. Tap Agree

7. Enter your email address,security question,birthday,and password

8. Select None as your Payment Option

9. Then fill all the fields,  tap Next

10. tap Done and Check your Email to verify the link 

[via App

How to edit a PDF file

We recommend PDF files be converted into a DOC, ODG, RTF or other file format before editing them. After the file is edited, it can be saved as an updated PDF file. Below are the steps for converting a file using a software program and online.
To edit a PDF file using the PDF Import Extension follow the below steps.
  1. If you don't already have OpenOffice installed on your computer. Download and install OpenOffice. This is a complete suite of Office products including OpenOffice Draw.
  2. After installing OpenOffice run the PDF Import Extension.
  3. Next, Open OpenOffice Draw.
  4. Once open, browse to the PDF file you want to edit and open the file.
  5. After the PDF file has been open, edit any text field by double-click the text. If you wish to add new text, click the Text link at the bottom of the Window, and then click the cursor on where you want to add text.
  6. Finally, after you have finished editing the file click the PDF link to export the file as a PDF.
Although this is a fantastic free solution for editing a PDF, the PDF Import Extension does have some limitations. It does not currently support PDF forms, table conversions, and decrypting protected files. If you are running Microsoft Windows, many of these limitations can be avoided by also using PDFill.

How to create a ZIP file on Windows 7 PC

In order to create a ZIP file, you should follow these steps:-
  1. Start Windows Explorer. Usually, you will find a yellow folder icon on the toolbar on the bottom of your screen. Click on this icon. If you don't see a yellow folder icon, then click on the Start icon at the bottom left of your screen, and then type "Windows Explorer" (don't type the double quotes) into the textbox that says "Search programs and files".
  2. Navigate to the folder that contains the files you want to place into your zip file.
  3. Point your cursor to a position in the Windows Explorer windows so that the cursor is not pointing to anything
  4. Right-click your mouse. Select New... and then "Compressed (zip) file". A new zip icon or file will appear, depending on how you are viewing your folder
  5. Select a file by left-clicking your mouse, then drag it into the zip file. Repeat this process for each file that you want to include in the zip file.